04 July 2015

The Greek Referendum

I'm holding my breath on this mistaken referendum in Greece. But I never take my eyes off the evil-doings of Western finance in every part of the world, especially resource-rich, yet impoverished Africa.

Greece was imposed with a Danish monarchy as the Ottoman Empire began its decline. The present Greek king, who is not Greek, is, as he should be, at home in London. Exiled. Yet he still maintains fantasies of returning to his "homeland" where he is not wanted.

Prince Philip, the British queen's husband, was supposedly a Greek prince. The former queen of Spain, Sofia, wife of the also unwanted Juan Carlos, was also a Greek princess. Juan Carlos was imposed on the Spanish people by Franco, and SYRIZA's counterpart in Spain, PODEMOS, wants to exile its monarchy too. In any case, neither Philip nor Sofia have an ounce of Greek blood but come from Denmark and Germany - Germany, which used to be called the stud farm for Europe's royals [because Europe had so recklessly intermarried, spawning some bizarre characters it needed to find some fresh, white blood].

During World War II German NAZI occupation, resistance movements spring up all over Europe. Perhaps the weakest of these, but most celebrated today, was in France. Why? Because the French loved Hitler and Nazism. But since Hitler lost, the ridiculed French resistance has become legendary.

Not so in Greece. The Greek Resistance was large and deep. It was so anti-fascist, so well organized, so well disciplined, so strong, so believing in civil society and democracy, so socialist and so deeply anti-colonial that it had to be liquidated by the British and a military government imposed, along with sustaining the Danish royals.

The Greek Resistance fighters caught on to this quickly and planned to euthanize Churchill as the sick dog he was.

SYRIZA, that anti-austerity, anti-capitalist political party, must know this history. Taking real power through an election is naive enough and comes with known difficulties: namely, you are given the tools and restrictions of a capitalist state to implement non-capitalist agenda.

But to trust a second referendum tomorrow without European imperialism intervening in the most bloodthirsty way, given the history, makes me hold my breath ...

if Europe will sleep soundly knowing that young Greeks are throwing themselves off ledges to end their suffering, you must know this same Europe will PUSH Africans off the same ledges.

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