25 April 2014

The Color Line will keep the US a slave state not a worker democracy

It boggles the mind that 50,000 Chinese workers can go on strike, while their counterparts in the US keep toiling at their machines [promised rewards in heaven!]

This demands wide analyses.

For my part, the color line - as WEB DuBois called it - holds the answer. He eventually moved [back] to Africa, and maybe this is OUR answer. In the meantime, white civilization loathes the African and must keep the American Indian Movement and its Indians in concentration camps, worse off than the poorest Africans in the US.

White civilization is dependent, fundamentally, on a system of racism. This is our caste system in the US.

But what does this have to do with 50,000 Chinese workers withholding their labor [strike] while their counterparts in the US remain toiling at their machines?

White civilization and its aspirants cannot tolerate to see the system unhinged in any way that would undo the caste system. Southern DEMOCRATIC PARTY Senators during FDR's New Deal only consented to support the emergency measures if Africans were kept out of it. These same white settler elites refused to support measures like the GI Bill unless funds were distributed locally and not the federal government - this enabled southern institutions to deny money to African GI's for home loans and college, keeping them out of the much lauded emerging middle class.

I'll keep assuring you that Chief Justice Roger Taney's majority decision in the Dredd Scott case is the cornerstone of African life in the United States. If you want to understand our legal place in US society, read it.

The progeny of these early white settlers are themselves white settlers and beneficiaries of this caste system of race, theft, and economic privilege, and they mean to maintain it. They'll allow a reform here and there. They'll let an African in here and there, but under very strict conditions, and the moment the "n*gger gets out of place" he/she is sent back into the fields.

These white settler descendents are just like their forebears. Minor adjustments are tolerated, but these adjustments cannot undo the status quo.

An Injury to One is an Injury to All confronts this color line in a white racist settler colony like the USA. The narrative goes that Africans either deserve their plight because they are "lazy" or must be seen to be kept there, in their place. The effect is the same.

A General Strike that would even rhetorically embrace all workers, across many fields, and many colors, threatens the settler state and its caste system.

Years ago when I lived in St. Louis, MO, a modest health care reform measure was put before the voters to expand services regardless of income. The measure failed. I tired of hearing white nativists, which pollute that strange city, say in open spaces they opposed the measure because to support it meant "those people from East St. Louis [Illinois: read AFRICANS] would come across the river and steal our services."

The whites stole the land then robbed Africa of enough of its population to set it back several generations, and yet: Africans in the Americas are the ones singled out as taking things they do not earn. White-settler logic says Africans in the Americas are suspect where jobs or services are concerned because we would abuse the system, as if this were our genetic disposition.

So, white-settler logic says controls must be kept on workers since the Africans might pilfer the system. Ergo, no worker solidarity. No strike. And like those piss-ignorant St. Louisans, we all lose.

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