05 August 2011

Following Orders

Among anarchist circles exists the primitivist contention that civilization is bad and needs dismantling and the anti-primitivist response that were the primitivist reality come to pass, "people will die" without the many benefits modern society has given humanity. I've hear this so many times it's become a TV jingle in my head.

But I don't hear a similar response from aspects of the broader left when it comes to neoliberal policies attacking social programs, and I wish I did. The anarchists debates are real debates between dismantling management structures and replacing them with worker-owned, worker-run job sites or doing away with the agricultural-industrial model altogether to free us.

Liberals don't have real debates, particularly when it comes to neoliberalism. These policies did not begin in the 80's but gained an intensity under Reagan and Thatcher with a selling off of public goods, attacks on the poor, women, minorities; continued under Clinton with Welfare Reform; and just now driven further into the heart of the New Deal under the hammer of Pres. Barack Obama, Wall Street's Boy Toy and menace to society.

The debt-ceiling deal just signed is catastrophic. And while I am more sympathetic than not with the primitivist, anti-civilization arguments, I find myself employing its opposition's "people will die" refrain when it comes to policies clearly being passed.

People will die.

Because, unlike the primitivist arguments, which has little consensus and no legislative support, the neoliberal program is real and in the here and now ... and aside from attacking Head Start, education funding, community health centers, Medicare, health programs for women, like breast cancer screening, food programs it will also eliminate federal jobs and employment programs.

This time, for real, people will die. What do we think happens to a woman who cannot get early breast cancer screening except that she will likely die? What do we think happens to the poor who cannot access food programs except they will get sick and die?

I'm often asked about people's lack of response. Why in the face not only of the mass extermination of Nature, the salmon, the wetlands, the rain forests, 100's of species per hour but also the incremental extermination of human beings, politically driven famines in the global South, like in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Haiti, austerity measures in the North and South cutting off food supports, access to health care, and selling off natural reserves do we not counter-attack?

Why don't the collective masses rise up and cut off the heads of these degenerates and obliterate the system which clearly and empirically oppresses us? All kinds responses - form the so-called passive to the so-called violent - would seem to be on the table, but few are.

Why do we follow orders?

The Factory System imposed on our public education system of model of obedience onto students being prepped to be industrial workers. Indeed, much of public education was motivated to assimilate former rural farm workers and immigrants into the industrial system.

As at your workplace, rewards came by sitting in your chair, not challenging the teacher or the system. Disruption was met with various kinds of progressive discipline up to and including expulsion [firing]. It was a weeding out process of good workers from bad. And the better workers learned the degenerate lessons that you keep your head down, your thoughts to yourself, and obey the manager/master/teacher.

The obvious problem is besides creating a nation of slaves to whatever system is in place is that system can evolve into a NAZI Germany or a 21st century global North [e.g., USA, UK, France, Spain, et al] so dependent on the resources of the global South - this dependence proof of the primitivist argument, by the way - the global North has broken every domestic or international law or human rights convention or basic human civility and commit crimes against humanity, war crimes, and savage act.

And the docile, well-trained, well-schooled "workers" - those who learned the lessons best - will keep their heads down, run the mill, the factory, the workplace, or even drop bombs on innocents and just keep following orders.

So our only hope is from those who refuse to follow orders.

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