25 February 2010

Not even Jerry Lewis could save Obama health care telethon fiasco

It will be like watching water boil. Milk spoil. Bananas rot. I am not referring to the return of Jay Leno to the late-night Siberia that is network TV but rather Barack Obama's health care summit, notable for who will not be there: the public option, aka, universal health care. What our allies in Europe embrace as socialized medicine.

Socialized medicine is such a failure that even the British right, the Conservative Party, fight to keep it. France, of course. The Canadians, too. Yes, Sweden. Our longtime enemies, the USSR had it, and our persistent enemy, Cuba, maintains it while it also sends doctors to poor countries to administer health care.

But the US under the yoke of a corporatocracy, is bent onf distinguishing itself from the civilized pack.

Just as many of our corporations are showing their irrelevance, racing to mediocrity with our manager class, the USA is becoming as prominent a dot on the map as Long Beach, CA., must appear to the man in the moon. The USA has raced another step down with our neighbors in Latin America and the Caribbean recently joining forces to create a trade bloc ... without us.

So, enter Obama, who has prefaced this six-hour TV telethon for private health care with expressions of his utter belief in capitalism. This is pretty redudant stuff: it must be for the tea-baggers, birthers (yes, they persist in claiming Obama is a foreigner), and the descendants of US Chief Justice Roger Taney; because anyone who would be so heavily funded by and, in turn, bail out, Goldman Sachs, must believe fundamentally in nothing else but capitalism.

Rather than watch this Blair House corporate telethon, I will watch the water boil in my tea pot: at least I will get a cup of tea out of it and not more bullsh*t.

Without the likes of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, or any of the Progressive Congressional Caucus, whatever comes out of this exclusive, maudlin farce will hopefully fall as flat as Obama's progressive promises.

Meanwhile, the 2010 purge I predicted is happening. Poor us!

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