03 June 2009

What the office of the US presidency really thinks about the working class

Pres. Barack Obama spent a warm evening in Saudi Arabia, with a Western-installed monarch who reigns over a brutal regime that is anti-women, anti-gay, anti-infidel, anti-immigrant. He spent today in Egypt, giving an hour-long speech a country not ruled by a monarch or sheik but a president for life who silences opposition, is anti-women, anti-gay, and next to Israel - another Western crime - the highest recipient of US tax money.

When Ronald Reagan bemoaned Welfare Queens he was not speaking of Israel or Egypt, but of those within the US border, Black, Brown, and White women who were said to be cheating the US taxpayer. Black, Brown, and White sisters who make pennies on the dollar to their male counterparts.

Working class men fair little better. The class of able bodies who have been cut off from social life support continues to grow as this president fulfills the legacy of the high office in going the extra mile for the bottom line, which is not humanity.

The other day, just before the Organization of American States voted to rescind its expulsion of Cuba, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fled Honduras. She did this to avoid the embarrassment at being the only American continental government to oppose Cuba's revolution and re-inclusion into the OAS.

Pay attention to the disconnect. Obama embracing Saudi sheiks and Egyptian torturers. Clinton prattling about Cuban democracy. $30 billion to General Motors. State governments consider or are in the process of removing critical social safety nets and laying off teachers. Where's the Employee Free Choice Act?

Alone these and other officials display a bit more sense. Some can be downright compassionate. Obama, for example, as he climbed his way up the political ladder supported universal, single-payer health care. Under the spell of his Office, he continues crimes against humanity.

Class consciousness is the greatest social disease of our time. Workers would do well to know their class, their class interest, and not only throw the bums out but build jails for them.

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