26 May 2009

California Supreme Court uphold Prop 8 - Activists need to call a boycott of state

The California Supreme Court has upheld the voter-backed, discriminatory Prop 8. When Prop 8 passed last November, I suggested to a men's chat group I frequented that we launch a Boycott against the state of California. This would discourage anyone except in a family emergency from coming to this state for a vacation or a convention, dissuade them from spending any money here. The men were against such a boycott.

It's time now for a boycott of California. The people and our courts stand against us.
I want the bigots - for, that is what they are, regardless how they dress their prejudices up in their false love of the Family or Children - to know their hate has a cost. And if opponents of Gay Marriage want this state to look like Mississippi, they will soon find themselves in a minority.
Sadly, California is behind the curve. Again. It ruined is phenomenal public education system in the late 1970's and is now whistling Dixiecratism with regard to its LGBT citizens.

Local boycotts can be very effective. When right-wing Cuban-Americans, bent on returning Revolution Cuba to it colonial status, stopped a planned visit of Nelson Mandela to Miami, FL, the Black community launched a boycott of the city's tourist industry. Mandela, of course, is a good friend of Fidel and made his first visit outside South Africa to Cuba to thank that country for its contributions in fighting apartheid specifically and training African doctors and technicians generally. The US and its partner in crime, the UK, had deemed Mandela a terrorist and backed apartheid South Africa. In Miami, 3 years and $50 million in lost revenues later, the city capitulated.

California, like the rest of the country, is in bad fiscal shape. Gay Marriage is not my top priority in this political crisis - I still maintain that social rights are community rights, not to be assigned to those who marry, and only marry "up." Housing, public education, and health care for all is a very attainable goal if these public services are taken out of the hands of profiteers. And crushing further the state's economy is not an idea I relish.

But since these bigots seem to have no human bones in their bodies, we must reach their bellies, their wallets and purses.

The Court ruling allows the nearly 20,000 LGBT marriages to stand, weirdly creating a tier within a tier in the LGBT community.

In the meantime, supporters of Gay Marriage contemplate yet another ballot measure to undo this ruling. A boycott of those businesses in our communities which have opted to remove themselves from civil society, do not believe in communities of values by funding bigotry, is also necessary.

For more info: List of Business Supporting Prop 8 * California Supreme Court Ruling

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