17 October 2006

Obama, another rising and falling star ... so no blinking!

This love fest for Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is interesting in that we who read history know that we have been here before, presented with a minority darling of whom we are amazed at his intelligence. The outcome to these careers is predictable. White America, by whom we really mean CORPORATE US (The CU), since whites and especially poor whites have nothing to do with this and are as forgotten a species as anyone in the working class, love this Black man who embraces the Middle. Colin Powell is preceived as another MIDDLE lover. The CU think they can safely back and fund this ethnic minority who won't tread on their tax breaks or on the role of the US government in the commercial world - their role is to open doors and where they don't open to bomb them open. This, while giving crafty lip service to the poor, is THE MIDDLE.

Where the CU err time and time and time again since Jacksonian Democracy in the US, and the Great Reform ACT in the UK, when the rabble had to be contended with for votes[!] is that Obama constituency - Blacks, minorities, progressives, the poor - will be dazzled by him at first, seeing him as one of them, but they will quickly find him more an active member of the CU and an honorary member of the Wage-Slave, beholden to the CU, making excuses for the CU and sticking it to the poor.

The poor will abandon him, his legitimacy will fall, and there goes his public career. He will remain a senator and get fat or become a senior fellow at a bourgeoise think-tank, and in between head an "Initiative" to solve some global crisis.

Fidel broke through this dilemma down pretty handily a year after the Cuban Revolution, 1959. He said he could have abandoned the reasons for the revolution for accommodation with the plantation owners and the US embassy or he could have done we he had to do to keep his promise to change Cuban society. This change could not come from United Fruit or the US military, so since both had lost both were asked to leave. Obama will not do this


Rene said...

Your buddy is going to be in L.A. tomorrow signing his book. The Hollywood liberals are practically swooning with delight. They love this guy. They would be thrilled to support this guy in '08. Rob Reiner compared him to Abraham Lincoln. Pardon me while I puke. Celebrities, of course, are so in touch with reality they would know best for the country.

Oh, how did I find you? In this age of blogs and the Internet, I just figured you'd have one and if I googled your name I'd find you. Voila.....not too tough. I do that kind of stuff when I'm trying to avoid writing.

LA Populist Examiner said...


Excellent work. Except for Obama actually winning the presidency, you were right on target.

It's just that he managed to keep enough of the lesser affluent dazzled longer than expected--long enough to enough to win both the Democratic Party nomination & the presidency. Who would have guessed, however, that the press would have fallen so head-over-heels in love with him, shower him with unjustified for over 2 years, and never look deep enough to see that he had no core principles, no core positions, and no real substance?

One right-wing news commentator did, surprisingly enough, offered an accurate one-line assessment. She said "Obama has all the substance of cotton candy."

The power of Corporate influence once again became so overwhelming, and their omnipresent propaganda blinded so many, that Obama's serious flaws were played down or completely overlooked.

LA Populist Examiner