Let me be the first non-candidate on the Left to call for Israel to be packed up and dispersed back to Europe and its small laboring class Ethiopian Jews back to Africa. This farce has gone on quite long enough and added gross injury and death and misery to the horrific, unbelievable crime of the German Nazi Holocaust. There is no justice in Israel's existence. It is as much a thorn in a foreign land as the Dutch settlers in South Africa and resulted in similar crimes. Their present war in Lebanon smells so much like the US war in Guatemala, 1954, where the US claimed to be assaulted and democratic aspirations had to be crushed. Israel is our Hessian.
You will not hear the US political party system saying anything remotely like this. Congress just further proved their uselessness by coming together and passing a resolution supporting Israel's act of war.
So it's not surprising as I write this is a whisper of ground assault trickle into the air.
Israel is not my friend. US administrations are fond of saying this, with deep compassion in their voices. But it is not the 11th commandment that Israel "exist."
Several years ago, to the glee of the West, the Cold War was won and a whole complex Soviet republic disappeared. Since its creation, it has been the thorn of the West, a threat to the West, because it existed, because of its model of socialism-communism. The USSR herself committed errors and atrocities along the way for which is cannot be forgiven either. I never heard a Western politican say the USSR was a friend or that they believed in its existence.
But let us look at the 20th century, that modern world just passed us by, and ask ourselves which country is the more sensible invention: a socialist state or a religious one? One seems to fit into the forward momentum of the world, the sense that resources cannot be horded by a few and the rest be benefitted, or as Socialst Party USA member, Helen Keller, instructed a British friend, votes for women is an afterthought when 90% of Briton's land and wealth is controlled by 10% and the remaining wealth left to the 90%.
The other state seems to take us far backwards, maybe to the 16th century, when religious wars began, the Roman Catholics were splitting up, and lines were being drawn in the sand with blood.
One is the longtime enemy, USSR, and the other is our friend, Israel.
Why Israel? Historically that territory is its home, and the racist persecution by European ruling classes, ruling families, civil society fed their dream of an Eden. But the world is heavy with historical territory, the US being entirely just that, from sea to sea, and heaven help the soccer moms and the land barons when some mighty power decides to replace the USA with the nations of the Cherokee, Choctau, Iroqois, et al, et al.
That too would be absurd. Ethnic states. Religious states. Do these represent steps forward or back into the European-inspired Dark Ages?
Globalization has existed since the slave trade, was part of the slave trade, and was fueled by the slave trade. Cargo. Peoples. For all kinds of reasons, they began moving around, fleeing or in search of something. The face of what was believed to be pure nations dramatically changed. And after all that mixing was well underway, the West, imposes a religious state in the middle of the former Ottoman Empire, its own corpse just buried, a few swim strokes north from Africa.
The world will never except Israel, because it is a nuisance, a non-sequitor, and the resurrection of a time left in history. Though the bankers and investors may since this Frankenstein creation is an anchor to Our Interests, and Evangelicals do because they are eager for the End of the World and Christ's return. That is a subject for part 2.